Published on December 2020 in the Journal of Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Dr. Ash and his colleagues at Baylor School of Dentistry, and the University of Michigan, describes his bone graft technique to address challenging cases with minimal bone. This technique can make implant placement possible for many patients who had loose dentures for years, resulting in severe alveolar bone loss.
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Sunday - 7 February 2021
Dr. Ash Published His Bone Graft Technique.
Published on December 2020 in the Journal of Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Dr. Ash and his coll…
Sunday - 9 August 2020
Osseous Surgery
Deep pockets cause bone loss Periodontal pockets are gingival cuffs around your teeth that deepen in…
Sunday - 9 August 2020
Denture with implants
Wake up with a new smile In some cases, patients lose or about to lose all their teeth in the &helli…
Monday - 3 August 2020