Wake up with a new smile
In some cases, patients lose or about to lose all their teeth in the jaw. Traditionally options were limited to a removable complete denture, removable implant-supported denture. With proper treatment planning, a fixed complete denture can be introduced to implants. This denture does not have a palate and offers a better experience with food, as patients can feel the temperature and taste of the food.
Dr. Ash believes in a minimum number of 5 implants or even more, rather than commonly offered 4 implants. There`s an inside joke of “all on 4, none on 3”. Without added cost, additional implants are placed, as final outcome is sustainable bite and smile for our patients. All the procedures are under IV sedation and the patient will not remember the procedures.
Immediate loading of the implants is possible in some cases, and patients can go with a fixed denture with chewing ability the same day of surgery. Below is one of our beloved patients, who happily received 5 implants with immediate loading in the upper jaw.